



Why Supertutor?

If you choose Supertutor, you choose tailored educational tutoring. No one-size-fits-all courses or entry fees, no fixed methods or impossible hours. Just let me know your requirements and I will adapt to meet your needs.

During a brief initial interview we will analyse your requirements together and agree on the best approach to attain your goal. Supertutor provides it all; the helping hand you need with your studies, homework, exams, general tutoring, language courses and full language immersions as well as translations and/or revisions.

Everything from the postponed geography test to urgent exam planning to the scrutinising thesis review.

At your kitchen table from home, in an aeroplane to Singapore or on a sailboat in Zeebrugge. Two hours of French grammar in Antwerp or an entire weekend of Spanish in Madrid. At your own pace -  It is entirely up to you.

Supertutor was launched by Marc Gervais, an Antwerp-based private tutor.

I am an Antwerp University 1st class graduate with 20 years experience in tutoring students from secondary to undergraduate level. My thorough knowledge of learning disorders is a real asset and my drive to see people succeed is even greater.

I will go the extra mile to help you; wherever and whenever you want. Individually tailored educational solutions are my trademark and each student is treated with confidence and discretion. Supertutor stands for flexibility and quality with respect for personality and character. That is my promise to you.



I am Marc.

Please feel free to get in touch with any query you may have and we will get back to you promptly.


Dare to ask what you want!


Tutoring & study/exam coaching

Secondary to undergraduate level, tailored solutions

One-on-one tutoring

Planning, personal organization and time management

Study productivity (structuring / summary / schedules…)

Permanent evaluation and tests

Tutoring thesis and (bachelor) papers

Support/coaching presentations


Language courses & immersion                              


Dutch, French and Spanish (other languages on request)

All course levels available:  A (beginners) to C (advanced programs)

Individual courses or in small groups

For pupils, students, professionals and expats

Courses can be combined with leisure activities

In Belgium or abroad, 24/7


Translations & proofreading

Translations from Dutch/English to French

Proofreading and other linguistic services

Translations by native speakers with an eye for detail

Professional, rapid turn-around translations



Here you can read about some great work experiences I have had with some wonderful people.



I know very few people who are as driven, flexible and motivated as Marc. He is without a doubt the right person who, full of passion and drive will adapt and modify his customised coaching style to your individual needs. Marc can also tap into years of experience educating students at secondary education and at university college. With his personalised approach, Marc has been the ideal coach for me.


JEROEN POELS, CEO & Founder Deltaworx

Marc has had an immeasurable impact on both my entire scholastic performance as on the inception of my personal career. Without fully realising it, his perseverance and “don’t give up” mentality and especially personal approach, seep through and render positive effects on tasks and work ahead. I highly recommend Marc to anyone with study related issues.



‘Mister’ Marc has proved to be an exceptionally important person in my life. During my secondary school I suffered from concentration problems and I was even fed up with school altogether. It all went downhill especially after having to redo my fifth year of secondary school. I ended up at Au Petit Lorrain, a private school where Marc was working at the time. I could always rely on his support and he made me realize that it is all-right to have an off-day once in a while. He doesn’t believe in giving up, so even if he had to explain something to me 15 times in 15 different ways, he still did so wholeheartedly. He showed me how to study more effectively and even more importantly he taught me how to plan my study hours more efficiently and how to arrange my days. I have never met a better, more charismatic, caring and honest teacher or person.


Marc made sure I got my high school diploma. French was always a struggle for me, the one thing that kept me from graduating for a year. Marc walked me through this at 4 months and has been the deciding factor towards my aso degree. Marc has taught me more than French. He has also taught me structure and order. His positive approach and outlook is what really characterizes Marc for me. I am super grateful to him and recommend working with this fantastic coach to everyone!


During my last year of secondary school, I had temporarily lost my motivation and self-esteem and I decided to get my diploma through the State Examination Commission. Marc pulled me through my last year in his own distinctive way. I recall a time that I had to review the  French book la Cantatrice Chauve by Ionesco for my oral exam. To prepare me even better for the exam, Marc suggested we go see the play on the book in Paris. He certainly pulled out all the stops for me to comprehend the storyline. It was his Saturday off and we went to Paris where we visited the Eiffel Tower and the Sacré Cœur, constantly spoke French and finished off our day at the theatre. On our way back we talked extensively about the book and rehearsed possible exam questions. I walked into that exam room really well-prepared and gleaming with confidence after a ‘You can do it Kristin. No doubt about it!’ text message 5 minutes before my exam started. According to me Marc’s greatest assets are his flawless sense of what a student needs and the fact that he will leave no stone unturned to help. He is by far the best teacher, confidential coach and cheerleader a student could wish for.


Marc has guided me throughout my entire study career. Initially we focused on improving my French. Marc was able to completely overturn my hatred for the French language and I overcame my fear of using it in professional situations. Marc taught me how to trust my own abilities and I took each French exam certain of a successful outcome. When I decided to go for higher education, Marc was just always there for me to help me with my problem courses. His focus was not on content per se but more on processing the subject material. While writing my dissertation for my bachelor’s degree he was looking over my shoulder making sure I complied with all the deadlines. His eye for detail made him the ideal coach to give me feedback and to correct my mistakes. In short, I don’t know if my study career would have ended so beautifully if it hadn’t been for Marc’s eternal optimism and motivation.


In 2012 during my second year of Bachelor in History at KU Leuven I was confronted with my own limitations. After the first semester I had already failed four courses and gathered a backlog on all my outstanding papers. My parents and I never doubted my abilities and knew I was capable. I was plagued, however, by a combination of fear of failure, stress and a defective study discipline which resulted in underachieving. Thanks to Marc’s coaching I was able to turn things around.

He scrutinised and adjusted the structural framework of my studies and not only the content of the courses. We started each semester drawing up and overview of what was expected of each subject and this we used as a basis to draw up a schedule to stay on top of things throughout the entire semester. Regular updates and an intense follow-ups during the exam periods and (more importantly to me) of my dissertation deadlines made sure I kept a clear view of what lay ahead and therefore panic couldn’t set in at any time.

Marc’s visits were always quite amicable and he never resorted to lecturing me and he never had that clichéd schoolteacher attitude. After revising my detailed schedule and tasks ahead there was always room for a chat and Marc proved to be an excellent listener. I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that Marc was one of the first people I informed of my personal triumphs after graduating. Even today I keep him in the loop of my successful career because I am positively convinced that without Marc it would have turned out differently.

In short, as a student adrift I found in Marc what I needed at the time: structure, support and friendship.

Contact and information

Lesson and coaching session prices depend on specific requirements. We do not provide a ‘price list’ as such but please contact us for further information. 



+32 495 92 39 38

BE 0681.624.146

IBAN: BE66 0018 2149 9443